Privacy Policy

Who we are

JVI Vibratory Equipment is an incorporated business entity in the State of Texas, located at:

11929 Brittmore Park Dr.
Houston TX 77041


General Privacy Statement

This privacy statement is intended to disclose what personal information may be collected on our website and how that data is used.

Collection of data

Primarily, the data collected on this website is submitted voluntarily by website visitors through submission of forms: Contact Us and Quote Requests. This website uses tracking technology called “Cookies” to collect information that may become personal information if combined with other information.

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by website owners to make their websites function well, and/or to function more efficiently. Most web browsers permit you as a website visitor to block Cookies and to clear Cookies on your devices at your own discretion.

Usage of data

We use any data provided in the submission of website forms to assist those who voluntarily provide their information in solving business problems with the products and services provided by JVI. Data is stored primarily in our secured internal database, and also some personal information may be stored in a third-party email or direct marketing database.

We respect your right to privacy and honor requests to opt-out of email or other direct marketing.

Generally, we do not share personal information collected on our website, except in situations where it may be shared with members of our local area representative network who represent our products or in situations where JVI is collaborating with another company to deliver a custom-engineered product.

Updated: October 1, 2023